
  • Python is a dynamic scripting language

  • Python allows for object oriented programming (OOP) but also for functional programming

    • It is possible to define classes with methods

    • Instances of classes are called objects

  • Python uses duck typing

    • “If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.”

    • It’s based on so called Protocols

    • Protocols define the availability of specific methods and their signatures

    • Methods of Protocols are (mostly) dunder methods

      • dunder -> double underscore

      • __foo__(...)

      • Most famous the constructor method def __init__(self)

  • Functions (and therefore also methods) return None implicitly if no return statement is defined or if it has no value.

    def foo():

    is the same as

    def foo():

    is the same as

    def foo():
      return None