The Coroutine/Generator Issue

There are some issues in the concept:

  • We have (mis-)used the generators

  • Generators/Iterators are intended for yielding something that is consumed by the caller.

  • Implementation wise we have the same thing, but semantically they are very different.

  • Coroutines in contrast use yield and yield from to just suspend the current function and give control back to the loop.

  • From looking at the code or the object users still could mix up coroutines and generators because it relies just on a technical detail.

  • Using yield/yield from somewhere in a function declaration to make the function asynchronous is not very obvious.

  • Users could still pass generators and generators could still run coroutines because nothing forbids to use coroutines as generators and the other way round.

  • Users could refactor a generator function that it becomes a normal function (accidentally) just because yield/yield from is removed.

At least changing a coroutine to a normal function can be avoided by marking all coroutine functions via a decorator. If the marked coroutine is changed to a function an error is raised:

import inspect

def mark_as_coroutine(func):
    if not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
        raise TypeError(f"{func.__name__} is not a generator function")
    func._is_coroutine = True
    return func

def is_coroutine_function(func):
    return getattr(func, "_is_coroutine", False)
def coroutine():

def just_a_function():


The Python developers chose a different solution for this problem. They introduced a decorator that wraps a function in a generator instead of raising an exception.

For the other issues:

Async/Await to the rescue!